7 Ways to Celebrate Summer Before It’s Over

7 Ways to Celebrate Summer Before It’s Over

Posted by Peter Liquori on

Here in New England, the first brisk evening we get to pull on an outer layer is a cherished but bittersweet moment. The never-around-long-enough summer sun is finally relaxing after all its hard work this year: growing our vegetables, warming the sea, and scorching hordes of flocking tourists. So, while it sticks around for just a few more short weeks, here’s some of the best ways to soak up every last drop of summer before those sweatshirts come on for good. 

Chase the Sunrise (at a reasonable hour)

Soon will be the days of driving to work or school  in the dark, and gone are the days of 4:00am wake up calls. For the next month, the sun greets us at a comfortable 6:00am (at least up here in Boston). Set the coffee timer, grab your travel mug, and jump out the door. Spend an hour in the morning with the birds, watching the late summer sun cast that beautiful orange glow on all the flowers we wait for each year.

Adventure Down Below

With all these billionaires heading straight up this summer, why not be unique and venture down? With Zero-G travel generally out of reach, the underwater world is right there. Whether it’s in the ocean, at the lake, or in a frigid mountain river, grab a snorkel and a mask and check out what’s always been right under your nose. The amount of life underwater is stunning, and visible with just a sunny day, calm conditions, and a taste for the unknown.

Treat Yourself to One More Summer Outfit

It won’t be long before the summer wardrobe gets packed away in lieu of French Terry, Fleece, and cozy long sleeves. But don’t give up yet! Sneaky hot days still show up well into September, and for the last ones you’ll want to look your best. Nothing says summer like a relaxed lightweight shirt like our Viscose Hemp tees, or a crispy white tee like our Classic Henley or Pocket Tee. Both pair fantastic with a sunbaked and salty pair of boardshorts, or your favorite jeans. 

Have a Fire with Friends

Wherever you can, however you can, enjoy at least one night around the fire with friends old and new. Nothing beats closing out a summer day with a cold beer by the fire. Bonus points if someone has a guitar (and they can play it). 

Eat Outside

Whether it's your morning coffee and cereal on the front stoop, a lunch break meeting outside the coffee shop, or a romantic dinner by the water, eating outside will always be one of the best parts of summer. However you can, find your way to that coveted outdoor table and enjoy the summer breeze while you dig into a nice bowl of linguine with clams. 

Support a Local Farm

August turns to September with the coming of so many amazing fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes are at their peak (right now!) as are peaches and corn and zucchini and peppers. Soon enough the apples and pears, carrots and beets, and all the fall greens will be overflowing the markets. If you have one close, check out your farmers market for your favorite snack and enjoy it at its perfect ripeness, likely picked that morning. If there’s no market, consider dropping by a local farm to say hi, meet the animals, and grab some produce right from the source. 

Find A Secret Swimming Hole

If I’ve learned one thing about America, it’s that every town across the country has a swimming hole. Sometimes out in the open, sometimes shrouded in secrecy, and sometimes hiding in plain sight. Get exploring and you are sure to find one. If you’re lucky someone with more foresight already strung up the rope swing. With the water at its season high temperature, there’s no better time to go for a jaunt in the woods or up the river and take the plunge.



With endless possibilities, cheerful neighbors, and blissful weather, whatever way you choose to celebrate the last weeks of summer, it’s bound to be a good one. While summer fades away, the memories will last, and next year we get to do it all again. 

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