The True Meaning of Memorial Day

The True Meaning of Memorial Day

Posted by Peter Liquori on

Memorial Day, so often associated with barbecues and big sales, carries a much deeper significance that often gets overshadowed in today's world. In the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them." These poignant words serve as a reminder to reflect on the true meaning of this solemn occasion.

 "Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them."

Memorial Day originated in the aftermath of the Civil War, as a way to commemorate the soldiers who lost their lives in service to their country. Both the South and the North independently celebrated their own fallen soldiers. May 1, 1865 marked one of the first known ceremonies honoring fallen soldiers, where recently freed slaves unearthed a mass grave of Union soldiers in order to give them a proper burial, followed by a parade of nearly 10,000. Over time, the Union and Confederate days merged into one, and following WWII became Memorial Day as we know it - a day to pay homage to all the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of freedom and democracy in America.

As we gather with loved ones and enjoy the freedoms we often take for granted, it is vital to pause and remember those who selflessly gave their lives for our nation. Memorial Day offers us a chance to reflect on their courage, valor, and unwavering dedication to a cause greater than themselves.

The essence of Memorial Day lies in expressing our gratitude to those who perished on the battlefield and at sea, leaving behind grieving families and shattered communities. In the draft era, sometimes dozens of 18 and 19 year olds from the same small towns were shipped off together, never to return. It is a time to reflect upon the enormous debt we owe to these heroes and the countless sacrifices they made, ensuring our way of life endures.

Beyond mere remembrance, we can honor the fallen by actively preserving their legacy. This involves supporting veterans and their families, participating in memorial ceremonies, and engaging in acts of service that uphold the ideals they fought for.

This year, let us heed the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt and remember that the privileges we enjoy today were earned through the sacrifice of countless individuals. May we strive to honor their memory, ensuring that their bravery and dedication are never forgotten.

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  • Peter,

    Thank you for your fine recognition of Memorial Day. I want to save it. I’d recommend the addition of words “ and at sea” after battlefield.

    My uncle William “Billy” Burt went down with the USS Indianapolis on July 30, 1945. Nearly 1200 sailors were on board and only 316 survived. It’s quite a story if you have time to research it. In 2012 I visited the USS Indianapolis memorial in Indianapolis, and as far as I know I’m the only family member to have been there. I’m 75 yrs now and about the only family member left that can speak to it.

    Thank you again. BTW I recently purchased a couple of your T-Shirts. I’m very glad I did.

    William Lawrence on

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